Monday, February 18, 2008

Primal Scream

The album I suggest you to buy or download today is Primal Scream’s Screamadelica. This album is golden for anyone who is coming down from an E trip. The concept of the album seems to be describing the whole ‘rollin’ experience. Taking ecstasy is an experience, to the people who have tried the drug, unforgettable, and the people who haven’t tried it, a mysterious a scary one probably never to be attempted due to the myths surrounding its use. Bob Gillispie tries to take you through the whole E experience with this remarkable album. The album starts out with “Movin’ On Up,” basically describing how he was once blind to the idea of trying , but now he can see, “You Made a Believer Out of Me.” My favorite song of the album is “Higher Than The Sun.” I think the track’s name speaks for itself. The second best track is “Loaded.” It starts off with the famous speech from the movie Animal House about wanting “to be free, to do what we want to do, and get loaded” before it breaks into an awesome old school house track. You might of heard it before if you have seen the great Peter Jennings special Ecstasy Rising. Then of course how could you describe your first experience on ecstasy without talking about the come down. That is just what the last track does in a nice a relaxed way. Peace & Beats

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