Wednesday, February 13, 2008


So, I'm really into the whole electro thing right now. I know half of you think it is just a fad, and the other half just don't know anyone out there besides Justice. Well let me introduce you to Mr. Oizo. Mr. Oizo is yet another French producer now signed to the out of control, and also French, music label Ed Banger. I first got into him listening to the Transsexual-Patrick 122 EP released in 2007. The track "Ovoma" has a dark, 80's, and Kavinsky like feel to it. The top track on the EP however is "Patric 122." It's choppy, french house, and electro all in one. Not to mention the amazing saxaphone part! Can anyone tell me the last time they heard something like this before? Mr. Oizo also has two great breaks tracks("Monday Massacre" and "Sick Dog Try To Speak") and a nice electro house number with the title track on Flat Beat (1999). It is probably his best record. All three tracks are solid.

Mr. Oizo - Flat Beat

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