Monday, February 11, 2008

Aphex Twin Is Weird

Aphex Twin - Richard D. James

I've always thought Aphex Twin's Richard D. James and Windowlicker album covers were some of the creepiest ones out there. Like they were made using whatever program there was out there before Photoshop, or whatever everykid uses now days besides me because I can't afford a Mac. Anyways, it turns out that the only thing weird about Apex Twin is not just his album covers, but als his music videos. The guy is actually the electronic equvilalent of metal music fans' Rob Zombie, and by no means is that a diss on Aphex Twin at all. So, when I was first started watching the "Window Licker" video I was like what the fuck, is this really the video to one of Aphex Twin's best tracks? I mean, I find it hilarious and all to listen to ghetto ass people talk, but after four minutes into the video I was getting really sick of it. That's when the song and video finally started to get going. The visuals and cinematography in the video are great. It actually made me wish they still made cool music videos today, but then again MTV and VH1 don't even show music videos anymore. Peace & Beats

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